Every financial transaction, whether you are an individual or a business owner, has the potential to affect your tax strategy. The many twists and turns of 2020 have added new complexities. Combinations of Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loans, Cares Act payroll tax deferral, unemployment benefits are just of few of the unfamiliar issues that are new to our tax return. If these issues cause you concern about your 2020 tax return concern you need the professional tax planning services from Tan Management & Financial Horizons.
We recommend that you take time during December 2020 to review the impact of the 2020 Covid-19 economy on your income tax return. A one-hour planning session in December can assist you in avoiding sticker shock when you prepare the 2020 return.
Tax Management & Financial Horizons tax consultants conduct analytical, in-depth reviews of your current tax situation and provide a comprehensive plan to minimize unexpected surprises in 2021.
There is a forty-five dollars ($45.00) charge for your tax plan. However, when you return and have Tax Management & Financial Horizons assist you in preparing your 2020 tax return the $45.00 will be credited against the tax preparation charge.
For more information or to make an appointment to prepare your 2020 plan call 262 923-8100 Ext 0.
Learn more about Tax Management & Financial Horizons at Managedtaxes.com.